Marc Kerbiquet

Union Types and Option Types


In past years, I've experimented union types in a low level language (Copper) and a higher level language. I got very interesting results but I'm currently experimenting a trimmed down version: just the option types.

What is an Union Type?

An union type is a list of two or more alternative types that a value can hold. For example:

func f(x: Int | String)

the parameter x can be either a string or an integer.

Some languages accept to perform directly operations that are commons to all types of the union, for instance if Int and String types have a print method, you could just do x.print. But in the basic case, you must first discriminate the actual type of the value before using it:

func f(x: Int | String)
    match x
    case Int -> i
        // do something with i as an integer
    case String -> s
        // do something with s as a string

Adding Union Types to Copper

In Copper, my own "better C" language, I've experimented union types. I wanted to handle the general case T1|T2|...|Tn using a tag but also handling the special case Pointer|Nothing without any additional tag and discrimating using the NULL pointer value in order to be fast and integrate easily with external libraries.


The feature was not very well defined and I've added a lot of restrictions for an efficient compilation.

No Nested Unions

(T1|T2)|T3 is not permitted. It simplifies the implementation of the compiler since a value of an union type is a pair

Option type value

where the value part can not include tags recursively.

Significant Order

T1|T2 is different from T2|T1. This restriction allows a very useful shortcut for the common pattern:

var file = 
    case Error -> err
        return err
    else -> f

can be rewritten using syntactic sugar:

var file =

without having to make the Error type builtin into the language: it just picks the first type of an union, Error|File in the example above.

No Compatibility Between Unions

T1|T2 is not compatible with T1|T2|T3.

It would have required to assign a global unique tag to each type or to implement a remapping of tags when promoting an expression to a compatible union.

With such a restriction, a tag can be easily assigned for each part:


The feature was really useful, but it was far too much complexity in the compiler for a minimalistic low level language such as Copper. The most annoying part was dealing with the special optimized case Pointer|Nothing.

My main usage was mostly for two cases:

So, may be just handling T|Nothing will be good enough, and for errors I'll just go back to returning an error and a value.

What is an Option Type?

The option type is just a special case of union type: T|Nothing. It represents an expression that may have no value.

An option type T? can have any value of T plus the special nil value.


Adding Option Types in Copper

The implementation will be done by reserving a value in the original type. Each type can define its own nil value.

For pointers, the choice is obvious, the nil value will just be the address 0 but it is not hard-coded in the language, any other address could be used as well.

For other types, it depends. A 24 bit RGB color in a 32 bit integer can reserve 0x8000_0000 for example. A signed integer index data type can use -1 since it usually indicates an invalid or not-found value.

This implementation has lot of advantages:

but it has few drawbacks:

Refining the Option Type

The main idea of the option type is that you can't refine it to its main type without ensuring first that it is not the nil value.

I have found a simple way to do this:

expr as id

It is a boolean expression that tests whether expr of type T? is nil. If the expression is not nil, the value is copied in a local immutable variable id of type T.

The trick is that the variable is not directly available, it is created in a hidden scope that is accessible in 3 special cases:

if expr as x
    // x is available here

while expr as x
    // x is available here

var isSingleton = list.head as first and == nil

if list.head as first and == nil // first is available after 'and'
    // first is also available here

Allowing Early Returns

The as operator is sufficient, but it can lead to the arrow anti-pattern:

if expr1 as v1
    if expr2 as v2
        if expr3 as v3
            // do something
            return err3
        return err2
    return err1

It can be solved with early returns but it is not possible without a new construct, or else, that evaluates a block if a expression is nil:

var v1 = expr1 or else
    return err1

var v2 = expr2 or else
    return err2

var v3 = expr3 or else
    return err3

// do something

The block must terminate either with a return, break or pass.

Refining the Option Type without Check

In theory this is beautiful: you can't dereference a pointer without checking its value first or the compiler will report an error. Unfortunately, in real code there are many situations where you know that a value is present but the compiler can't know it. For example:

Sure these can be resolved in different ways:

But either it is inefficient and can make code confusing (why the value is tested here, shouldn't it be defined at this point?) or it makes the code more complex by adding new classes and code.

It's simpler and easier to just force the type refinment and leave a comment to the reader on why it is safe to assume that the value is defined at a particular point in code.

For this I did not add anything to Copper, the language has already the cast operator that can change the type of an expression without any verification. However I've added a convenient notNil method in the standard library that perform a check at runtime in debug:

var value = maybeValue.notNil // I know what I'm doing

Extending an Option Type

An option type has very few methods by default:

but sometimes you want to write methods on the type even if it can be nil. Here's a common example:

if obj as x

A defopt command allows to define methods on the optional type:

defopt delete // delete applies to T?
    if self as x
        // 'self' is of type T?
        // 'x' is of type T
        // invoke the actual delete

And now you just do:


Option Type with a Nil-Checker

The problem

The previous solution works very well but introduces multiple concepts that you need to know just to read the source code.

In addition it can make some simple cases becoming very cumbersome. For instance, this common pattern of lazy creation:

if self.findDialog == nil
    self.findDialog = self.createFindDialog


var dialog: FindDialog
if self.findDialog as d
    dialog = d
    dialog = self.createFindDialog
    self.findDialog = dialog

It makes the code more verbose and requires two additional local variables. It is not a problem for the LLVM backend that will optimize everything by coalescing variables and eliminates useless branches, but it makes the code more difficult to understand.

A macro can help a bit:

var dialog = self.findDialog.ifNil do
    var d = self.createFindDialog
    self.findDialog = dialog
    pass d

It is more compact but now it requires to know what the ifNil macro does.

Woudn't it be possible to avoid all this?

The Solution

An alternative is to infer that a local variable can not be nil at some points in the code. Instead of having explicit type refinment, the compiler does the refinment based on tests.

This solution is similar to what TypeScript or Kotlin do.

Here are some examples:

if v1 <> nil
    f(v1) // ok
if v1 == nil
    f(v1) // ok
if v1 == nil
f(v1) // ok

Globally it works well, it is very un-intrusive, a reader can understand the code without needing to know anything specific except that T? represents an optional T.

But the devil is in the details:

It requires a two-pass analysis on loops: a variable may be valid at the beginning of the loop but could be changed later requiring a second analysis:

if v1 <> nil
    while cond
        f(v1) // ok on the first iteration
        v1 = ... // now v1 can be nil again

It does not work well with genericity. Despite a test, the variable does not change its type. The reason is because the nil-analysis is performed after building a function (because of the multi-pass). This leads to unexpected errors and requires many explicit conversions:

if v1 <> nil
    // v1 is still of type T?, so if f is generic, the parameter will be 
    // optional and the function won't assume that v1 is non-nil.

Last but not least, it's a kind of black magic: the validity of the program depends on the power of the nil-checker. For instance, does the compiler handles the following cases?


while v1 == nil
    ... // no break


if v1 == nil or v2 == nil


v2 = v1
if v1 <> nil


But it could change in the future.

And I won't mention the 5% performance impact on the compiler ;-)

Despite all the benefits of this approach, I gave up and went back to the previous solution.

Is it Worth it?

The option type, despite being simpler than union type introduces many new concepts and requires additional knowledge that make the language more complex.

Am I ready to break the minimalistic yet complete enough language that I have managed to design over the year with this feature? does the few bugs it reveals are worth it?

The good parts:

While I can accept few type annotations that help me to make the code more readable and less error prone, I want the compiler to be a discreet reviewer and a friend that helps me finding bugs, not an inquisitor or a censor that forces me to rewrite my algorithms in a way that makes it happy but makes the code obscure.

Porting the compiler (the language is self-hosted) or Clade (my own text editor) was not very difficult and it showed few potential and actual bugs.

The real challenge was the port of my experimental decompiler: lot of complex algorithms and data-models. Algorithms rely on some properties (e.g. a Control Flow Graph has all nodes reachable from the entry node) to ensure that it will terminate and that there won't be any nil value at the end; that's something that can't be verified by the compiler.

At the beginning, I thought that the benefit of option types would be very low and that documentation in the code and tests were almost as good, but I have to admit that it can be helpful. May be it's time to get rid of the billion-dollar mistake.