Each window can show one or more panes: each one displays the content of the section or link selected by its predecessor. The layout of the active window can be changed using the View menu.
There are four different layouts.
1. Simple View
Display only one section. This is the default mode.
2. Tree View
Display one section and a tree view of the file. Subsections can be reached directly with this tree.
The window is splitted in two parts, the left part shows the tree of folded sections and the right part show the content of the selected section. Links are also expanded in the tree.

To switch between the tree and the text with the keyboard, use the Return and SHIFT+Return keys.
3. Horizontal List View
This view tries to emulate a Smalltalk Class Browser: each level is displayed in a small pane.

To switch between the lists and the text with the keyboard, use the Return and SHIFT+Return keys.
Specific commands when the focus is in a pane:
Shortcut | Command |
Up | Previous line |
Down | Previous line |
Left | Previous pane |
Right | Previous pane |
Home | First line |
End | Last line |
Page Up | Previous page |
Page Down | Previous page |
CTRL+Up | Previous line in left pane |
CTRL+Down | Next line in left pane |
CTRL+Home | First pane |
CTRL+End | Last pane |
Any letter | Access to the next line starting with this letter |
4. Zoomable View
Display the tree of sections as a 2D map that can be zoomed. The sub-sections of a section are displayed at the right. Use the mouse-wheel to zoom-in or zoom-out.

The shortcuts are the same as the horizontal list view's.
To switch between the tree and the text with the keyboard, use the Return and SHIFT+Return keys.
5. Customizing the default layout
The layout can be customized for each language. So it is possible to open a file in a new window with a layout depending on the file type. See the options for more information.